Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blessed Sunday

I truly enjoy attending my new church, New Life Christian Fellowship. After every service, my spirit feels uplifted and I feel like I can tackle anything that comes my way because God is behind me. "God loves me for who I am, not who I should be." that was the most important message I received during my first visit there on January 1, 2012. I needed that message like I've never needed anything else in the entire world. After spending 2 years of my life in a relationship with someone where I felt worthless, disgusting, ugly, stupid and fat, I came to a place where I was loved just for being me. What an awesome place to begin the new year!
So , of course, I was overjoyed when I started bringing Gavin there and he enjoyed it. He tried out the kids Sunday School but found that he prefers staying in the regular service with me and the rest of the adults.
Today, my spirit was lifted once again. As we were worshipping through song, I heard this tiny little voice next to me singing along. It might not seem like a big deal to some people but Gavin can be extremely shy. I couldn't believe my ears. Tears were streaming down my face just from hearing his sweet voice sing the very same words that lift my heart every Sunday morning. What a lucky mother I am to have a very special son.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Glastonbury, CT

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