Saturday, May 5, 2012

Aaah! My Ankle!

During my first night on a company trip to Savannah, I twisted my ankle on the cobblestone sidewalk.

This is what it looked like the next morning before going to urgent care. I was warned about the cobblestones before heading over on the ferry so I changed into flat shoes. It didn't help me when I stepped off the curb and slipped on a crooked stone.

The crappy thing is that medical care down south is not quite the same as in CT. I injured my foot on Wednesday night and went to urgent care on Thursday morning. They were able to X-ray my foot. They only took two "pictures." That seems pretty lax considering what my foot looked like. Oh yeah. The best part is that I still don't know what's wrong with it because they don't have anyone at urgent care who knows how to read an X-ray! They send it off and will call me with results. So it is now Saturday night, I still have not heard back from them and I leave to head back to CT tomorrow in the late morning. Wonderful.

It did not look better the next day!

Little swollen!

Das boot. They don't know what's wrong with my foot so they strapped a huge boot on it and gave me crutches. They tried a few different splints, all extra large but none of them would fit since my foot is so swollen.

I didn't let it ruin my trip. I still love Savannah and I would love to make it back here again someday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Savannah, GA

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