Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Big Race!

Gavin and I ran out first official race together today. It was a 2-mile St. Patrick's Day theme race in Bristol, CT. I've run it a few times. He ran it with me two years ago, unofficially, and I carried him on my back for the last 1/4 mile or so. But this year...we ran together!

Gavin threw up in my car on the way there from being car sick. E was upset about it and felt terrible. I assured him it was okay. He insisted on helping me because he wanted to hurry up and get to the race. We made it on time and tied our timing chips on our shoes. We stretched in the grassy area before the race and watched the kids' fun run.
Then it was time for our race. We kept a nice steady pace for the most part. Gavin skipped for parts of it. When he needed to walk, he would grab my hand and walk for a bit. We came in right at 24 minutes. Not too bad for a pukey 9-year old and his old mom!

I am just so proud of him. We then went home to clean up, eat some lunch and head to his bo staff training for karate. No rest!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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